Say hello to Kerry and Clive Dammert, who take over as as our managers next week. Their first big event will be Sunday roast on 26 March – please book soon to avoid disappointment! However, if all you fancy is a drink and a chance to chat to them whilst they’re customer-side of the bar, pop in on Friday evening when we’re hosting a welcome evening.
Says pub chairman Rick Dyke: ‘We know that the community will join me in welcoming Kerry and Clive to Broadwindsor. We look forward to their tenure and know that they will be a great asset to the village.
‘We need to give them time to find their feet and work out what involvement they may need from the community going forward.
‘I would like to congratulate and thank all of those who have happily and willingly stepped forward to help over the last few months. It has been a truly remarkable community effort in keeping our pub open and ‘roaring’.
‘Many of you have expressed how much you have enjoyed “mucking in” and your willingness to continue going forward. We need to see how community involvement alongside our managers fits best, so watch this space.’